Silva Global is committed to supporting organisations and initiatives that raise standards and promote high quality assurance across the industry.
In a world that cannot be left to self-certify, the Post-Tensioning Institute of Australia (PTIA) has been instrumental in the introduction of CARES UK as the first independent certifier of post-tensioning contractors and suppliers for Australia.
Silva Global recognises the importance of industry standards and certification, and our Managing Director is also the CEO of the PTIA.
The PTIA was formed to represent the post-tensioning contracting industry in Australia, seeking to maintain a viable and competent industry with high standards in design and construction of post-tensioning systems for the benefits of its members, their employees, and their clients.
Membership of the PTIA is open to organisations and individuals who have an interest in post-tensioning consistent with the objectives of the PTIA, which are to:
Ensure that the post-tensioning contracting industry is both viable and competitive.
Promote high standards in design, construction and materials for post-tensioning systems, consistent with world best practice, and verified by certification of its Corporate and Associate Members.
Develop industry work standards which establish appropriate skills of employees, personal development opportunities, a safe working environment, and environmental responsibility.
Achieve ongoing technical advances in materials and systems for post-tensioning.
All CARES specifications and scheme overview documents are available on the PTIA resources hub at